KnowNow was chosen as one of the top 50 export prospects for technology. We received assistance from the Dept. International Trade which has included introductions to international businesses, help in identifying foreign markets for expansion, and invites to Trade Missions around the world. This article describes how your company can take advantage of the services offered and begin to export with the DIT.
David leaning to export with the DIT at the UK Technology Trade Mission to Malaysia -

At the UK Technology Trade Mission to Malaysia

Last year, the Department of International Trade (DIT) launched a programme to support 50 of the best UK export prospects. The programme provides introductions to new markets and relevant target customers. KnowNow was selected by DIT as a top prospect for technology.

We hadn’t worked with a government agency before we met a local representative at an event here in Portsmouth. As a technology company, they were keen to understand what we were doing. They wanted to see if a little help would encourage faster, more sustainable growth.

They helped us decide whether our technologies were appropriate for foreign markets. We then agreed on a list of target territories and companies.

Expert export help

David at a Department of International Trade speed dating event

At a Department of International Trade speed dating event

There are several different ways that the DIT help us.

We receive invitations to government trade missions to our target countries. In November I travelled to Malaysia, meeting many companies over two days.

There are opportunities to have a stand at foreign embassies in London which enables us to meet foreign diplomats and visiting companies. Often they offer to work with us to help us develop within their country.

Our contact at DIT passes briefings on our technologies to the UK’s High Commission teams around the world so they can make introductions. It is also on government showcase websites such as which has led to introductions to several major companies. Check out the Leading Edge Only page for our Consentua software here!

You can export with the DIT too!

The help we receive from our nominated contact at DIT has been excellent therefore I would recommend any business who doesn’t currently export to consider reaching out to an International Trade advisor.

You can contact them at