by Chris Cooper | Aug 9, 2019 | News
Or, why after much reading, questioning, deliberation, and discussion we are not actually doing much preparation. To both inform our customers and help other digital businesses in our shoes, the following is the work we have done to come up with our current position...
by Chris Cooper | May 10, 2016 | Consentua
Part 2 – What is happening now… The Business Case is warming up When it came to KnowNow’s innovative new consent tool what we needed was a view of the market. We needed to move from a hunch to a viable innovation backed up with evidence. A consequence of...
by Chris Cooper | May 10, 2016 | Consentua
Part 1: The Story So Far For smart cities to be considered a success they will have many different types of services e.g. for health, mobility, energy, and crime. How services are delivered, measured, and valued will be transformed and citizens will now consume...
by Chris Cooper | Aug 24, 2015 | Flood Event Model
Lights, Camera, ACTION Flooding & Cars Knowing that it is going to flood is one thing. What would be more relevant is being able to do something about it proactively before the situation gets out of control. Flooding is going to happen, no amount of barriers...
by Chris Cooper | Jun 16, 2015 | News
Number 1 KnowNow is the Number 1 Tech StartUp ranked by the IBM Global Entrepreneur Program at London Tech Week. A fantastic result and recognition for all the hard work we have put in working with IBM Bluemix and delivering award-winning smart city innovations....