Empower Your Business with AI

Workshop Image

Previous workshops/presentations have been delivered to local authorities, defence companies, SME's and university incubators.

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About Us

At KnowNow Information, we specialize in creating innovative AI software solutions. Our expertise includes the award-winning Flood Event Model and Entelligently, the intelligent workplace application. We are excited to share our specialized knowledge through our expert-led workshops, designed to help your business harness the power of AI and maintain a competitive edge in today's fast-paced market.

David Patterson

David Patterson

AI Specialist and Intelligent Agent Expert

Ashik Sunilkumar

Ashik Sunilkumar

Data Science Lead and Chief Data Wrangler

Chris Cooper

Chris Cooper

AI Infrastructure Architect and Solutions Designer

Our Workshops

Each workshop is customized for your business, and costs will depend on the number of attendees, time, location, and availability. An indicative cost is £2,000 to give an in-person presentation to around 20-25 people and £5,000 to give an in-person workshop for 15-20 people. All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Demystifying AI - A Primer for the Modern Business - click for a summary!

Duration: 3 hours

Delivery Mode: In-person or Online using Zoho Meeting

Key Aims: Comprehensive understanding of AI, ethical deployment, practical experience, preparedness for AI evolution.

Introduction (20 minutes)

  • Personal experiences with AI
  • Brief history of AI
  • AI's impact on the job market

Understanding AI Fundamentals (40 minutes)

  • History and key concepts
  • Quick activity: "Guess the year" AI milestones

Exploring Generative AI (30 minutes)

  • AI for different media
  • Prompt engineering
  • Other tools introduction

AI Automation, Plugins, and Agents (30 minutes)

  • Introduction to AI agents and automation
  • Demo: Automating a task using AI

Introduction to the Ethics of AI (10 minutes)

  • Ethical challenges discussion

The Future of AI and Wrap-up (20 minutes)

  • Preview of advanced AI topics
  • Q&A session
  • Recap and feedback

A Boardroom Introduction to AI - click to see the content!

Duration: 30 minutes

Delivery Mode: In-person or Online using Zoho Meeting

This presentation is designed to get an organisation's senior executives up to speed with AI. It focuses on:

Understanding AI

  • Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning, Generative AI

Adopting AI in Business

  • Adoption
  • Integration
  • Automation

AI Assurance, Ethics and Bias

A quick guide to safe use of AI in your business.

Future Trends

Legal Challenges and the development of industry-specific models

Coming Soon - Intermediate AI Workshop: Seamless API Integration for Business Solutions

Sample Video - Introduction to AI for Business

Book a Workshop

Contact Us

Address: 1-2 Hampshire Terrace, Portsmouth, PO1 2QF

Phone: (023)92 160640

Email: contact@knownowinfo.com

Registered at Companies House in England & Wales. Registration Number 08781104