BeatHouse Dashboard v 1.0
The Beat House dashboard is now live. This is the first version which just shows basic data. The data source is Woodfords ( a different property located just around the corner from Beat House). This is nothing like Beat House at all, but it is a useful sandpit and allows KnowNow to play. This is version 1.0
This version of the dashboard is designed to show that KnowNow can securely acquire data from a range of sensors in the home and then bring this data into a single view. We will also be integrating the data feed into BeatHouse’s own Twitter page, as well as Forecast io. What we will do, however, is not just simply repeat raw data… tweeting the temperature for example in the conservatory. The tweets will be based on an event or a series of events. What KnowNow refers to as an event trigger. This could be the speed of temperature fall over an hour as a result of the weather.
The tweet will then be automated to articulate how Beat House feels as a result of the event. In effect making Beat House have a soul. The number of events and responses will grow over time so we should see some interesting tweets to come in the future. Why this is important is that it lays the groundwork for the final phase of the Beat House project which is to take the learning from the listening we will have done and apply an automated reaction. It is this automation that provides a benefit.
To see the current live data feed click on [SADLY NOW DEFUNCT] and find the dashboard link (on About & Blog pages). Also, check out the demolition video too – 8 Mins of demolition ballet. Fascinating!
Finally, KnowNow will be at the EcoTech Show. Click on the link for Free Registration.
Thanks for reading Chris