Press Release
London, UK. 25th June 2019.
Consentua, a global leader in consent and preference management, is committed to making data management trustworthy and giving individuals greater control over their choices. We’re thrilled to announce that Richard Gomer has joined us as Product Director. He’ll be spearheading the next exciting phase of Consentua’s development and growth.
The idea of Consentua was conceived out of a SmartCity Accelerator project and was formerly known as Trust API, evolving to Consentua in 2016 where it was launched in Paris at VivaTech 2017
Richard is exceptionally well placed to lead the organisation and drive the adoption of the consent management platform having first studied for a BSc in Computer Science at the University of Southampton. He followed this achieving both an MSc and PhD in Web Science, with a thesis that focussed on The Role of Human Values in Technology Design.
As an honorary member of the Web Science Institute at the University of Southampton, Sir Tim Berners-Lee (best known as the inventor of the world-wide web) famously quoted “The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.”
However, there is also legislation that sets out expectations and principles, and Richard (also a Research Fellow at University of Southampton) – who spent three years working on “Meaningful Consent in the Digital Economy” (MCDE), a project funded by UK research councils – is well placed to ensure that Consentua meets the expectations of the web that Sir Tim envisaged: Making it simpler for data controllers to do the right thing, and easy for individuals to understand and control their personal data.
Consentua, consent and preference management platform aims to:
- Make it easy to do the right thing!
- Help data controllers to be trustworthy
- Use good design for the right reasons – to support individuals making choices, rather than to trick them into doing things
- Embrace the spirit of the law, not just skirt around the edges
- Give choice and control to data subjects
- Provide a basis for next-generation consent tech like personal “consent agents” that will make consent decisions less intrusive and give individuals even more control
- Embrace and contribute to emerging standards, like the Kantara Consent Receipt Specification
Editor’s Note:
Why have we made this announcement?
There are multiple reasons for this announcement. This press release is one of several we will be making over the next few weeks. Which will demonstrate the Consentua ethos and world-class credentials in enabling citizens to have real choice and control.
Consentua has some fantastic DNA and Dr Richard Gomer is just one strand of that story but we want the world to know about Richard’s leadership of the product. Richard has been shaping the direction of Consentua for the last two years, but now he is in full command.
Watch this space for some other announcements coming soon on the future direction of the API and why Consentua is a go-to tool for managing consent.